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Products for Viewing and Downloading Welcome to our download page. The animation clips and other geo-educational items, described below, are free works. You can download, copy, distribute, and modify them as desired. Acknowledgement of authorship and reference to this website is appreciated. Note that many of the materials were constructed in the early 2000s when computer files were much more restricted in size and delivery rate. Hopefully some are still useful. If you have any comments or suggestions, please email Tanya at atwater@geol.ucsb.edu. If you are experiencing trouble downloading or viewing the files, please contact the Web host. |
Table of Contents- (click the section header to skip down to a specific section) |
This website's organization and many of the offered products were updated in Spring 2022. (All movies are now offered in mp4 format.) |
1 - Global Tectonics | ||
World Physiographic Map and Spinning Globe. physical map and animation Pangean Breakup and Continental Drift, flat Earth. animations Plain Continents. animation Continents with collisional deformations in Eurasia. animation Pangean Breakup and Continental Drift, flat earth. physical puzzle Ocean-Continent Subduction* (Cretaceous California), block diagram. animation Continental Collision (India-Asia collision), cut globe. animation Spreading of the South Atlantic and the Driving Mechanism. animation and text Seafloor Spreading Geometry, near view. series of six animations Seafloor Spreading. animation Seafloor Spreading with Spreading Arrows. animation Seafloor Spreading with Transform Fault Arrows. animation Magnetic Field Polarity Reversals, Explanation. animation Seafloor Spreading and Marine Magnetic Stripes with Reversal Timescale. animation Seafloor Spreading and Marine Magnetic Stripes. animation World Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Plate Tectonics, map stack. xeroxable exercise Seafloor Spreading, Oceanic Transform Faults, and Fracture Zones. demonstration models |
2 - Ice Age Earth and Effects of Sea Level Changes | ||
Deglaciation of North America, 21 to 6 thousand years ago. animation Post-glacial Flooding of San Francisco Bay. animation Post-glacial Flooding of the Chesapeake Bay. animation Post-glacial Flooding of the Persian Gulf. animation Catastrophic Flooding of the Black Sea (Noah's Flood?). animation and images Coastal Erosion and the Formation of Marine Terraces, cross sections. animations Erosion of Beach Cliffs by Waves. animations Formation and Uplift of a set of Marine Terraces. animation Isolation and Evolution of Pygmy Mammoths, S.B. Channel Islands. narrated movie Woolly Mammoth Walking: traveling and treadmill. animations |
3 - Regional Plate Tectonics, global views | ||
South Atlantic: Breakup and Seafloor Spreading. animation North-central Atlantic: Breakup and Seafloor Spreading. animation North Pacific Ocean: Drift and Seafloor Spreading.* animation Southeast Pacific Ocean: Drift and Seafloor Spreading. draft animation |
4 - N.E. Pacific and W. North America: Plate Tectonic and Geologic Histories |
Pacific Hemisphere Plate Tectonics, 80 Ma to Present. animation N.E. Pacific and W. North America Plate History, 38 Ma to Present. animation N.E. Pacific and W. North America Plate Motion Projection, Present to 10 my in the Future. animation Ocean-Continent Subduction (Cretaceous California), block diagram. animation California and Baja California Plate Tectonic History, 20 Ma to Present.* animation |
5 - So. California: Tectonic History of the Transverse Ranges | ||
California and Baja California Plate Tectonic History, 20 Ma to Present.* animation Southern California Hands-on Plate Model. puzzle packet including text and images for model construction Southern California History with Transverse Ranges Rotation, 20 Ma to Present. animation and images Southern California History with Rotating Paleomagnetic Vectors, 20 Ma to Present. animation and data image Southern California with Origin and Dispersal of the Poway Conglomerate, 150 Ma to Present. animation and images Southern California History of San Andreas Earthquake Breaks. animation and maps |
6 - Santa Monica Mountains Geological History and Santa Barbara Channel Oil | ||
Block Model Depictions of the Geology of the Santa Monica Mountains. Oligocene Sespe Fm. Sedimentation on a River Flood plain. animation Miocene Rifting and Rotation, Volcanism, and Monterey Fm. Sedimentation. animation Plio-Pleistocene Shortening and Uplift. animation Santa Barbara Channel Oil, S.B. Channel Islands. animated cross sections. Plio-Pleistocene Structural Evolution. animation Migration of oil into anticlines. animation Oil Seeps along Faults. animation |