EMVC Downloads People Links


Center Director

- Tanya Atwater

Center Employees and Affiliates


- John Iwerks | Artist

- Timothy Tierney, Group Coordinator (02-05)


Past Graduate Student employees:

Past Undergraduate Employees:

Jeff Blasius (02-03)
Ian MacMillan (02-03)
Nate Onderdonk (03)

Rena Ford (00-02)
Carrie Glavitch (02-04)
Barry Graham (03-04)
Grace Giles (04-05)
Emily Fudge (04)
Terrance Topits (04-05)
Mike Tritchler (04)
Keith Tsudama (05)
Michael Hoshiyama (05)
Adam Wade (05)
Stephanie Satoorian (06-07)
Elise Hale (06-07)

U.C.S.B. Institutional Help

Offices of Instructional Development and Instructional Resources:
- Rick Johnson and George Michaels (consultation)
- Kevin Kelly (Sound studio)
- Ray Tracey (Live footage production)


Office of Research:


- Sherylle Englander and Chrisanna Waldrop (Council)
- Nancy Lewis (Grant Officer)


Institute of Crustal Studies (ICS)


-Giulia Brofferio (MSO)


Past Visitors and Collaborators
Cooper Brossy

Geology intern from the Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho. Created three animations, including Big Southern Butte animation, Lava Tree Mold formation, and Rafted Cinder Blocks of the Craters of the Moon Lava Field.

Rick Colwell

Microbiologist from Idaho National Lab. Created animations on Methanotrophes.

Eric Christiansen

Geology professor from Brigham Young University. Produced an interactive Binary Phase Diagram for use in an introductory mineralogy class.

Sara Smith and Antonia Hedrick

Sara, a Bureau of Land Management geologist at Craters of the Moon National Monument (CRMO) and Antonia, a National Park Service artist for the state of Idaho, created animations showing the eruptions and major flows in the CRMO as well as dike emplacement along the Great Rift in CRMO.

Wendell Duffield

Retired geologist from the U.S. Geological Survey. Put out a video demonstrating Plate Tectonics on a small scale as observed on the surface of a lava lake.

Nadine McQuarrie

Post-doc from Cal Tech, now Assistant Professor at Princeton. Created an animation showing the extension among the many blocks within the Basin and Range Province of the Western U.S.

Bob and Leslie Abrahms

Co-authors of a text book for 9th grade Earth Science, created a DVD of lectures and animations to complement the text book. Made about 30 animations to go on the DVD.


Produced a PBS series "The Endless Voyage" and included about 30 short animations made for this project.

Pat Abbot

Professor at Cal State University in San Diego. Produced a 20 minute video on Southern California earthquakes incorporating live footage and animations.

Pete Weigand
Professor at Cal State University in Northridge. Created animations on San Andreas fault offsets for Pinnacles National Monument as well as animations on X-ray Release from an Atom.

Eduardo Rojas

Teaches medicine at the University of Chile. Created animations on cell damage and repair.
John Iwerks
A Santa Barbara artist and animator. Created the Channel Islands National Park Visitor's Center kiosk animation on Pygmy Mammoths

John Belcher and Michael Danziger

John, a Physics professor at M.I.T. and Michael, a Computer Support Assistant, created an interactive animation called Marine Magnetic Anomalies: Factors Affecting their Shapes.
Steve Porter
Earth and Space Sciences Emeritis professor at the University of Washington. Made movies and animations on the De-glaciation of North America and the Pleistocene Ice Ages.

John Wakabayashi

An independent consulting geologist. Created animatons on structural patterns around pull-apart basins along the San Andreas fault.
Joe Curray
Professor of Geology, Emeritis, at Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Made an animation on the tectonic history of Indonesia.



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Last modified: June 16, 2011